Thursday, June 20, 2013

meeting to do math

Today my only real plan is to meet up with a buddy of mine who was a math major so we can explore our respective fields, he wants to learn more computer science topics and I would like to explore some mathematics concepts with him, not entirely sure where his strengths lie, but I believe it can be a mutually beneficial exercise.

We will be discussing project euler problems as a primary topic.

Id like to delve into set theory, and he would like to learn about complexity theory.

Beyond that, we are just going to try and nerd out a little bit. Because why not.

Im interested to see how productive this is. Ive got an hour to prep, so Im downloading him some random cs class notes, I can't find my notes from college, because I donated them to my fraternity, and I fear they were thrown away. However, since the internet is great I am sure I will find something. Ill bring along the only pure low level cs books that I have, SICP and c++ for you++ ... from my high school days ... eventually if he wants to get more into the programmer as a lifestyle/career Ill toss him the other books Ive got on the shelf. I am saddened that I lost my algorithms, database, networking, and systems books as I intentionally saved them, but they were left behind in a move I made. They were pretty bulky, and hopefully I can find some reading materials in an online form.

So far Ive pulled:
automata/computation theory notes:
complexity theory notes:
database notes:
algorithms notes ... although ... Im not going to link direct to the pdf due to liscense terms  ... it may make more sense to just link to the MIT algorithms page as I imagine their notes are in the decent to quite good range...
networking notes: ... having a hard time finding anything reasonable, keeps popping up due to search terms, need to type in a bunch of related things that wont redirect to a wiki page.
and this looks to be very relevant. obviously I should have said tcp/ip instead of networking, why? I dont know ... actually I do, but if you have any idea why Im rambling you probably ... Ill stop now.

not that any of these resources match a textbook, but Im hopefully they will provide a reasonable jumping off point for discussions. Not that I know how far or deeply we will delve into anything today or at all over the course or my unemployment, but trying to provide a nerdy guide to some cs topics that everybody should understand.

I imagine we will start with some catch up and discussion of goals, but, as the boy scouts say, be prepared. Note to self, load a flash drive with this information.


CREcker said...

Met up, talked math and computer science generally, covered topics we covered in school. Did some project euler problems, discussed many nerdy topics, from xfiles and doctor who to why communism wont work and that the only path towards some idyllic utopian world ... yeah, things got weird. not sure what tone to take with these, as they are primarily self assessment, but I am intentionally leaving them open to the public in case somebody else wants to provide extra commentary or gain some insight into my thought process. Tongue in cheek references aside, twas a fairly relaxed and mildly productive time spent. Also, taught him how to play the settlers of catan 2 player card game, which is awesome.

CREcker said...

just found this link re: algorithms course notes available free online.