Monday, June 24, 2013

after the deluge

... of old posts, looks like I've not made any earth shattering revelations. No shit Sherlock.

but whatever. Looks like my allergies are starting to subside, still coughing up nastiness but that will subside as the nasal drip goes away... hopefully. but ... got a decent enough night of rest, landlady had said the bricklayer guy would be back to look at things today, he's generally been arriving earlier than now so I'm not sure if the landlady was blowing smoke, or if I should sit around longer, decided to write this to try and get some coherence in my thoughts.

Stayed up last night playing fable 3, its a pretty good game, but the endgame of ruling the realm is a bit strange, gives you a fake time limit to raise funds, but the emphasis is on fake, countdown of days only goes down when you do main questline things, and thus, if you avoid the main quest you can just let your ownership of property build your bankroll and then use those funds. so basically, you could sit in a corner for five hours to accomplish the primary objective. but whatever, tis fun, simple gameplay, but fun.

currently have a few tech tabs open, reading the 'Why I’m quitting the C++ Grandmaster Certification course' which interests me because I thought about signing up but decided against it when I had a job. Maybe I should have gone through with it. doom three code review comments potentially interesting, I havent had a code review since six months into my job ... ... so 2009 ... in fact, I dont know if anybody but myself has looked at much Ive written since then, maybe one tool I wrote for my boss.

and the brick guy showed up... basically needs to fill in some grout, and come back tomorrow to stain the grout to match the existing grout. Also commented that to really fix this floor the apartment would need to be vacant, whole floor needs to come out, the layer of mortar over the base of the floor ... is basically bubbly, pockets where things have gone wrong, real solution is to pull out the entire layer all the brick and redo the entire thing, would require hauling a ton of material, whatever... Im not sure if the landlady wants to do that at all as she is old and may just be leaving it for the next owner, or if she is waiting for me to move out to do that work or what. Just rambling as it is on my mind.

Looks like the market is down again, yay being short while unemployed. My over arching world view is that things are screwed up and the central bank stimulus is short sighted and thus we are doomed for another bubble pop aside, the real reason was, if I'm out of work it will be easier to find a job if the market is going up, so insurance against that is being short. ... which leads to another point ... I am interested in finance and economics, the joke being that they are opposite sides of a coin and lead to entirely different thoughts about the same things, but whatever. currently reading an econ article about why a 15 dollar minimum wage is bad
but the real point was that I'm not interested enough in the market to do it for a living. Which may or may not be true... the highest return on investment for knowledge should be knowledge about investing ... as opposed to trading? whatever. point being its not a passion for me, its just hey markets are inevitably a part of life, so it should probably be good to know something about markets, but the markets seem pretty broken to me. for all sorts of reasons, which is probably just a call for another post, but I am probably harboring some animosity there, so don't know if I should write it all up ... eh, I probably will, so I shall move on.

I guess the reason the previous paragraph ballooned is that I'm a voracious consumer of almost all information, so I may be interested in any topic, but do I consider that topic to be a driving force in my life ... and ... sadly, thats ... a bad way to phrase it, Im interested in science, physics, chemistry, bio because they are driving forces in my life, for the same reason I am interested in psychology, sociology, economics ... et cetera. So I read a lot, and I watch a lot of television, and I consume as much as I can get my hands on. And part of the reason I am not being particularly productive in this down time, aside from the point of a previous post that I've not yet actually gotten the R&R I want, is that I have a backlog of things to read, watch, and play that ... I paid for, I invested capital in, but do not have the human capital to consume when I'm investing that in a job. And currently a job is centrally not the focal point of what I am doing, although, the idea that I want to find the perfect job for me is an all consuming thought.

I also signed up for odesk this weekend, partially just to have a looksy at what the job market looks like on there, not entirely sure how it works, passed the basic test they give you that says you have a basic understanding of how their client relationship software works, but I was a little confused about the software they make you run as Ive not installed it, and Im not sure if I can on a chromebook / unix environment, don't really feel like reading through pages of bs to set up a method for doing work I am not sure if I am going to really use. will follow this up below. Reading eulas worthless, reading documentation generally helpful, but only in so much as the docs are useful for a compare contrast with something you already know. Here is how a list works is not something I want to read unless it focuses on the how to get tasks done, or differences from expectations. Ugh boilerplate.

When was the last time anybody read a eula. When I started my last job I read my contract, and people gave me shit for it, somebody made a comment, I dont know if anybody has actually read their contract before, isnt that what lawyers are for. And I want to start a website, but the boilerplate is silly, basically I cannot make any promises because we live in the real world and real things may happen to prevent other things from happening. Thats the basis of any eula Ive read, and they always include as far as applicable law allows, or some such nonsense. But really I just dont want to start something to find myself sued into poverty because I was trying to accomplish something. But yeah, I like to read things, and Ive tried reading eulas and its silly, Id like to write a little dif tool that compares the eula's to previous versions each time you use a website to see if they have made changes and pop up a warning message and maybe some way to visualize the changes. Maybe that will be my next browser extension project once I finish some more reddit filtration tasks on my current project, which I will throw onto git, and be embarrassed by if anybody ever looks at it. JS is not exactly my forte, but whatever.

To do list for the day,
get food from (basically 'enrolled' with the wife. thursday after mathing with my buddy)
do laundry,
soccer? (not sure if we have numbers today)
consume some media (book:the new jim crow, tv: xfiles, eureka, games: fable3, fallout3)
watch blackhawks game.

yeah I ramble a lot, maybe I should cut back on that.

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