Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Another day

Big SCOTUS news today. Looks like they got something right, still not a good week for them.

Watching X-Files and reading stuff.

Spent some time on reddit forbidding breaks and continues in loops. Not sure why that would be a coding standard. But, not going to spend that much time thinking about it.

Been thinking a lot about civil rights, finished the new jim crow yesterday, just read unfortunately the first suggestion is read these books, which nobody has time to do. Way to make the barrier to entry too high person who wrote that article.

I guess this harkens back to my whole buy in issue. To really get good at something you need to invest time and effort, and how can you pick which efforts to put yourself behind, because you cant just pick and choose. People love to say that in college you should take a wide swath of courses to see what is out there ('there's a time and a place for everything, and that's college' -southpark).

But at some point you can't get the level of depth required to make the decision. Should I choose vim or emacs? Should I bounce back and forth until I make a decision? Unfortunately, I just use nano when I need to make small changes and a IDE for everything else, but I know this isnt ideal, but relating to buy in part of the reason for not making a decision is not being certain what my focus is. I've obviously invested a lot of time on C++ and python, but maybe I should really be using LISP, or ruby on rails, and would my choice for how to develop and maintain code be different in different situations, and would time invested in an editor (especially in scripting in an editor) be worthwhile if I am going to make a jump like that?

So maybe my first step should be to pick vim, and start developing something.

But yeah back to the point about the feminism article linked, its got a lot of solid stuff in there, once you get past the read these books list. I dont know why the author led with that, but I guess there is a point to be made that you cant do some of the other things on the list until the knowledge of what to look for is obtained.

Clean the bathroom,
go to soccer?

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