Wednesday, June 19, 2013

100 steps

Since it is the project Ive most recently been writing notes to myself about, my idea for a javascript RPG game.

Tentatively titled 100 steps.

More explanation is probably warranted. The start of the game in my mind was that skyrim was starting to get boring and I wanted to automate tasks, but realized that what was the point of playing if most of it was automated. So the initial idea was you create a game with a play x steps button and let the player make choices about how long to let the game run before jumping in, in my head initially, you could watch each step at different speeds and jump in right before your character dies, but that ruins the fun, if you pick too many steps you fail, with the option to revert of course, and if you keep picking the same number of steps you may eventually get through just by dumb luck, as with any rpg... keep bashing the head against the wall till you push through it, one of my favorite strategies when returning elsewhere to get an item is too much of a pain.

Some of the random notes I jotted down.
line, fills in with board, once certain visibility is reached can achieve 3d perspective. starting with single dimension steps are obviously forward or backwards, since random encounters backwards/ into already cleared area has lower chance of difficult encounter, but also less loot, only reason to go back is origin point is full regen. As the game is supposed to be automated to some degree dont want safety to be guaranteed though. once through 100 steps origin allows multi directional play, once cleared all 4 directions, get grid system, once explored full grid realization that the game is large. basically want automated level generation to allow for massive game, but ... logistically need to figure it out... obviously. 
random encounters, 
macro editing : had idea of a why function lets you know more detail about any encounter to help automate how to best them in that level at that point. but not important, basically for the step forward function you could say take 3 steps if random battle attack until health below x use heal if 5 loops retreat, the sort of logic you love to think youve mastered in a game, and once the automation looks like its working throw a wrench in it. 
world name decided by: what is your name? what is your quest? what is your favorite color? 
color sets character attributes, ... use selector, rgb vals whatever. strength defense magic, generic? whatever ... 
random encounters through grid, 1-100 ...

And thats the brief writeup of where the idea started in my head, Ill write more later, but want to move onto a different thing at this point, and I can because I'm funemployed.

This blog post makes me hopeful the 3d dream would be possible, but its obviously not the focus till somebody makes it to the later stages of the game.

1 comment:

CREcker said...

new idea, better, hysterical. play same 1 d game many times, each step is really an area, ... options for each area are rest, search, practice, fight boss... or similar,
first play through, only way to win is to try and fight the boss and run through them 100 times in a row, difficulty scaling so this is virtually but not actually impossible, and with progrmmable options is an option. otherwise, each time you beat the game you get extra time on the next playthrough, so you can use the leveling features,