Wednesday, September 25, 2013

taking today off faceboook, just gonna list my links here.

so far as of noon, mostly npr:
'if all U.S. farms adopted Brandt-style agriculture, they could suck down as much as 25 times more carbon than they currently are – equivalent to taking nearly 10 percent of the U.S. car fleet off the road' and 'in Brandt’s corner of Ohio, the old saw that the “prophet isn’t recognized in his own hometown” largely holds, though a “handful” of farmers are catching on. Nationwide, he adds, “word’s getting out” as farmers like Brandt slowly show their neighbors that biodiversity, not chemicals, is their best strategy'
'a whistleblower, even one disliked by the government, isn't somehow an automatic pariah to society'
'"It could be drought. It could be heat waves. It could be flooding due to prolonged rainfall," she says. "All of those kinds of patterns should be becoming more likely."'
if nothing else 'Note: As NPR listeners know well, the MacArthur Foundation is one of NPR's financial supporters. Most recently, as the MacArthur website says, it awarded NPR $3 million between 2010 and 2013.'

"If my being upset about you breaking the 10 year winning streak would make you happy, then I would do it." -- Jon Stewart
"You would?" -- Stephen Colbert
"I would. But I can't, because I'm an executive producer on your show so I won again motherf**ker!" -- Jon Stewart

*update 12:01 : and I cant stop listening to these kids rock.

*update 1:18: which is in response to some of the stupid things from

update 1:43: 'As a business practice, it's expensive. As advertising, it's cheap.'

update 2:04: 'Behold! I show to you the Internet Commenter.' 'What is the greatest the Internet Commenter could experience? It is the hour of being taken seriously. It is the hour where some poor soul’s flickering credulity meets the Commenter’s great despising, where that earnest soul briefly takes the Commenter’s stale invective and solipsistic repetition seriously. And so the Commenter is always engaged, but always alone.”'

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