I wrote the following
"So, the future is now, or soon, or something. I was just reading somebody else's blog, and they were saying that the storage space problem is no longer a problem. their point was centered around the fact that new memory cards are being designed which are capable of storing two terabytes. which is a large amount of space for anybody who grew up in the days where hard drives were smaller than the amount of ram most computers have now. but I digress.
So, computers are getting faster. They do show signs of slowing. but something always comes along to keep them getting faster and faster every year."
So, computers are getting faster. They do show signs of slowing. but something always comes along to keep them getting faster and faster every year."
and was going to turn it into a dystopian future post. possibly about how this expectation of speed increase will cause a sudden cataclysm of sorts, but I got distracted and never went back to it. I also wrote a related bit below
I will also admit that although moores law has held, I do not believe that tech will continue to evolve at an exponential rate. It just isn't possible given what we know about physics (simply moving about the information, starts to get awfully energy intensive, and even starting to use quantum computers and storing the information in entanglement and phases of matter and spin only grants so much more ability and also at a major dropoff in rate of growth of tech). But I do think that we still have a ways to go before we start hitting limits, and will continue at least linearly for a while now.
But aside from those two statements I still seriously believe that people are underestimating technology.
Please tell me why these jobs shouldnt be done by robots: manufacturing, mining?"
which are both very standard fare for my line of thinking. I mean, whatever. I just figured Id post instead of leaving it unedited in my edit section forever.